Oxford University 의 History of Art: Slade Lecture Series
Oxford University
The Slade Lectures, which were founded in pursuance of the will of Felix Slade in 1869, focused on art historical topics, as they continue to do so today. John Ruskin delivered his first lecture as the Slade Professor of Fine Art in 1870. The Slade Professorship in conjunction with the University's museums, libraries and college collections helped to foster a wider interest in the history of art. Find out more about past Slade Lectures on the History of Art Department homepage: https://www.hoa.ox.ac.uk/slade-lectures
카테고리: 교육
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Professor Chika Okeke-Agulu argues that the extravagant hypermodernity of Isek Bodys Kingelez’s architectural sculptures, as with segments of popular arts, constitute a distinctive form of imaginative resistance to official culture under Mobutu. In this lecture, Professor Chika Okeke-Agulu discusses Mobutu Sese-Seko who, as president of the Democratic Republic of Congo (1965-1996), exemplified the theatrical Big Man ruler in postcolonial Africa. By deploying anti-Communist rhetoric, he secured Western Bloc support of his spectacularly kleptocratic regime and, through his anti-Western Authenticité program, created a national culture in his own image. Against Mobutu’s repressive political practice and ideology, Okeke-Agulu reads the architectural sculptures of Isek Bodys Kingelez (1948-2015). He argues that their extravagant hypermodernity, as with segments of popular arts, constitute a distinctive form of imaginative resistance to official culture under Mobutu. Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/
이전 에피소드
34 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: Defiant Sculpture: Isek Bodys Kingelez and Mobutu Sese-Seko’s Authenticité, 1990s Thu, 18 May 2023
33 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: Drawing the Line: Obiora Udechukwu and Nigeria’s Smiling General 1980s-1990s Thu, 18 May 2023
32 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: Prison Drawing: Ibrahim El Salahi in Al Nimeiry’s Sudan, 1970s Thu, 18 May 2023
31 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: To speak in Parables: Dumile Feni in Hendrik Verwoerd’s South Africa, 1960s Thu, 18 May 2023
30 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: Gazbia Sirry and Egyptian artists in the Nasserite State, 1950s-1960s Thu, 18 May 2023
29 - Slade Lecture Series 2023: African Artists in the Age of the Big Man Thu, 18 May 2023
28 - Slade Lecture Series: Hunting in the Borderlands: Translations Mon, 14 Jun 2021
27 - Slade Lecture Series: The Virgin as Colonial Agent Mon, 14 Jun 2021
26 - Slade Lecture Series: Mudejar and Romanesque. Romanesque and Islam Mon, 14 Jun 2021
25 - Slade Lecture Series: Babylon in Flames Mon, 14 Jun 2021
24 - Slade Lecture Series: The Great Mosque of Cordoba as Center and Periphery Mon, 14 Jun 2021
23 - Slade Lecture Series: An Agonistic History of Art Mon, 14 Jun 2021
22 - Slade Lectures 2018 (7): Barocci: The Madonna del Popolo Wed, 09 May 2018
21 - Slade Lectures 2018 (5): Parmigianino: The Madonna of the Long Neck Wed, 09 May 2018
20 - Slade Lectures 2018 (4): Correggio: The Dome of Parma Cathedral Wed, 09 May 2018
19 - Slade Lectures 2018 (3): Raphael: The Stanza della Segnatura Wed, 09 May 2018
18 - Slade Lectures 2018 (2): Michelangelo: The Sistine Chapel Ceiling Wed, 09 May 2018
17 - Slade Lectures 2018 (1): Drawing in Italy before 1500 Wed, 09 May 2018
16 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 8: Walking distance from the studio: cities, maps, and myths Mon, 18 Apr 2011
15 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 7: Transnational Surrealism: Tropiques and the role of the little magazine Mon, 18 Apr 2011
14 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 6: Monuments and ruins: Surrealism and archaeology in the New World Mon, 18 Apr 2011
13 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 5: Poetry, politics, and sexuality: Surrealism in Latin America Mon, 18 Apr 2011
12 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 4: The experimental demonstration of critical paranoia: Salvador Dalí's The Tragic Myth of Millet's Angelus Mon, 18 Apr 2011
11 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 3: Beyond art: 'the enemy within', Georges Bataille and Documents Mon, 18 Apr 2011
10 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 2: Beyond painting: collage, objects, installations Mon, 18 Apr 2011
9 - Slade Lectures 2010: Week 1: Automatism and chance: Surrealist strategies and their legacies in contemporary art and film Mon, 18 Apr 2011
8 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 8: Naturalism Strikes Back: Tradition, Consensus, Rupture Mon, 18 Feb 2013
7 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 7: Repudiating Naturalism: the Avant-garde Seeking Style Mon, 18 Feb 2013
6 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 6: Organicism: National Energy and Natural Flux Mon, 18 Feb 2013
5 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 5: The 'Populaire': Identifying or Imagining Art from Below Mon, 18 Feb 2013
4 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 4: The Caricatural: Visual Humour and Subversive Style Mon, 18 Feb 2013
3 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 3: Naturalism: Flexibility or Failure of Style? Mon, 18 Feb 2013
2 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 2: Naturalism at the Service of the Republic Mon, 18 Feb 2013
1 - Slade Lectures 2009: Week 1: Defining the Dominant Naturalism Mon, 18 Feb 2013